Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The First One.

My New Years resolution last year was to begin blogging. I needed a way to keep family and friends in the loop and with more than one failed attempt at web hosting, I thought blogging would be perfect! So why then has it taken me nearly a year to post my first blog!? The answer is simple for most anyone in the world of blogs. How the heck do you start? I was waiting for some life event so significant that it warranted the leap into the world of blogging but that didn't happen. Or maybe it did and I was too busy to realize it. The latter is most likely the case. So, this is my leap into the blogging world. Hello.


Jennifer said...

Look at those teeth! He is such a cutie! Once you get started with the blogging thing, it gets easier. Even the most boring days get logged!

Heather said...

Congratulations on the new little one! It's so great to be "meeting" you all online...